Today was follow a monk day
So today was one of the most exciting days yet. Besides the fact I had to wake up about a half an hour earlier. Today was follow a monk day. It was just an amazing experience to walk around with the monks and see them debate about different topics using their debating monk style. They debated about some real serious topics like “Is sound matter?” and “Does every action have an effect?” I got to learn more and more about how monks go through everyday life, and how some of them chose to be there for various reasons. This is cool because most of the time the parents would just send one of their children’s to be a monk because it’s just a sign of holiness. I followed a monk whose reasoning for becoming a monk was not because he had to but because he knew his family was poor and that he thought it would be nice to become a monk. I am glad I got pared up with Tenzin because he had been at the school/monastery since he was 13 and now that he is 28 he is one of the eldest monks at the school. This school is nice because it is the monastery that the Panchen Lama, who is the second highest ranking lama behind Dalai Lama. He has been missing for the past 24 years but the monastery has still kept their faith that they will find him one day. The rest of the day was pretty nice we got to go to the market again and I am pretty sure that everybody finished all of the shopping for their gifts today. I do wonder sometimes if everyone has accounted for all of the things they have bought and if they can fit all of these things into the bags they have brought. We had a great reflection were we summed up some of the things that we experienced the last couple days and how we are going to connect with our family these last few days we have here. I know that y’all have enjoyed the blogs I have done I hope you enjoy all of them but especially mine.